The Business Master (3rd Edition)
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Reference Guide
Copyright (C) 1992 by Graphware, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Program by: Stan Webber
Graphware, Inc.
P.O. Box 373
Middletown, OH 45042
(513) 424-6733
The CHARTS UNLIMITED program is protected by United States
Copyright Law and International Treaty provisions. All
rights are reserved. Non-registered users of CHARTS
UNLIMITED are licensed only to use the program on a trial
basis for the sole purpose of determining whether or not it
meets their requirements. All other use requires
To register, simply pay the $45.00 (US$) registration fee and
complete the register form on the next page. When you
register yourself as a user of CHARTS UNLIMITED you will be
sent a complete CHARTS UNLIMITED user manual and informed of
any new releases of the program.
Any other use of non-registered copies of CHARTS UNLIMITED by
any person, business, corporation, government organization,
or other entity is strictly forbidden and is a violation of
this license agreement.
Registration permits a user to license to use CHARTS
UNLIMITED on a single computer.
All users are granted a limited license to copy CHARTS
UNLIMITED for the trial use of others, with the following
additional conditions:
CHARTS UNLIMITED must be distributed in unmodified, complete
form, including this Reference Guide and License Agreement.
CHART UNLIMITED may not be distributed in conjunction with
any other product, without written permission from Graphware,
No fee, other than a disk duplicating fee not to exceed
$6.00, may be charged for CHARTS UNLIMITED.
* *
* *
* NAME: _________________________________________ DATE __/__/__ *
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* COMPANY: ______________________________________ *
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* ADDRESS: ______________________________________ *
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* CITY: _______________________________________ STATE:__ ZIP:_____ *
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* PH: _____________________ COUNTRY:________ *
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* -------------- *
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* CHARGE CARD NUMBER:____________________ EXP DATE __/__ *
* *
* CHARTS UNLIMITED Registration............... $ 45.00 ea $ _______ *
* (Includes latest version of program diskette) *
* (and printed documentation.) *
* *
* Check One Please: *
* *
* [ ] 3.5" Disk [ ] 5.25" Disk *
* *
* Non-US Shipping ........................... $ 5.00 ea $ _______ *
* (Payments must be in US Dollars, US bank) *
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* Next day shipping...........................$ 10.00 $ _______ *
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* Ohio residents add 5.5% sales tax............... $ __2.44_ *
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* TOTAL Enclosed ........................................ $ _______ *
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* Mail this form to: Graphware, Inc. *
* Dept S170 *
* P.O. Box 373 *
* Middletown, OH 45042 *
Graphware, Inc. makes no representations or warranties of any
kind whatsoever with respect to the contents hereof and
specifically disclaims any implied warranties or
merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
Graphware, Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained
herein or for incidental or consequential damages in
connection with the furnishing, perfermance, or use of this
publication or its contents.
Graphware, Inc. reserves the right to revise this
publication without obligation to notify any person of such
CHARTS UNLIMITED is a trademark of Graphware, Incorporated.
IBM is a registered tradmark of International Business
Machines Corporated.
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
LOTUS 1-2-3 is a trademark of LOTUS Corporation.
HERCULES is a trademark of Hercules Computer Technology.
Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................... 1
Getting Started ....................................... 2
Selecting Commands and Sub-commands ................... 3
The Worksheet Commands ................................ 4
Draw Solid lines .................................... 4
Draw Dash lines ..................................... 5
Clear Worksheet ..................................... 5
Erase at Cursor Location ............................ 5
Blank Out an Area of the Chart ...................... 5
Move an Area of the Chart ........................... 5
Replicate (Copy) an Area of the Chart ............... 5
Set Another Vertical/Horizontal Window .............. 6
Toggle the View Window .............................. 6
Insert Rows or Columns .............................. 6
Delete a Rows or Columns ............................ 6
Toggle the Grid Size ................................ 6
The Text Command ...................................... 7
Standard Text ....................................... 7
Bold Text ........................................... 7
Find Text ........................................... 7
The Files Command ..................................... 8
Load a Chart ........................................ 8
Save a Chart ........................................ 8
Save Part of a Chart ................................ 8
Load a Text File .................................... 8
Change Directory or Drive ........................... 9
The Objects Command ................................... 10
Standard Objects .................................... 10
Alternate Objects ................................... 10
Define a Alternate Object ........................... 11
Save Alternate Objects .............................. 11
Load Alternate Objects .............................. 11
The Symbols Command ................................... 12
Standard Symbols .................................... 12
Create a Symbol ..................................... 12
Save Symbols ........................................ 12
Load Symbols ........................................ 12
The Print Command ..................................... 13
Start Printing ...................................... 13
Print All of Chart .................................. 13
Print Part of Chart ................................. 13
Change Print Magnification .......................... 13
Configure Printer ................................... 13
Stop Printing ....................................... 13
The Quit Command ...................................... 14
ADDENDUM ............................................... 15
CHARTS UNLIMITED integrates graphics and text processing
into one powerful system to allow quick and easy creation,
editing and printing of flow charts, organization charts,
floorplans, electrical diagrams, Gantt charts, forms and many
more types of charts. CHARTS UNLIMITED is suitable for a
variety of professions, including engineers, architects,
programmers, systems analysts, teachers and virtually anyone
who has a need to draw charts.
Charts are drawn on a large worksheet that is 256 columns
wide up to 1000 rows long. This represents a graphics area of
over 4 million pixels or dots.
The user can scroll quickly in any direction around the
worksheet. Although only a part of the worksheet is visible
at one time, a unique feature called "VIEW" will shrink the
chart to one-eighth and display it on the right half of the
With just a few keystrokes, the thirty-six OBJECTS, including
various geometric shapes and bar graph designs, can be
displayed, moved, stretched, shrunk and replicated on the
worksheet. There are also thirty-six SYMBOLS available,
ranging from math symbols to flow chart arrows. You can also
create your own custom symbols.
Text can be entered anywhere on the worksheet as lowercase,
uppercase or bold face characters with such text editing
features as delete and insert. A "FIND" function is provided
that will permit you to find any text string in the work
chart and then display that area of the chart that contains
the string. Text files from spreadsheets and word processors
can be loaded into CHARTS UNLIMITED.
A chart can be printed on most dot matrix printers either
horizontally or vertically and in many sizes due to a
magnification feature that can expand a chart up to 100
times. A printer buffer is provided to facilitate printing
of a chart while simultaneously creating or editing a chart.
CHARTS UNLIMITED provides many features that makes it very
easy for you to design and edit your charts.
You will need the following hardware to run CHARTS UNLIMITED:
1. IBM PC or compatible with one or two
2. 256K of memory (or more).
3. IBM Color Graphics Adapter or Hercules monochrome
graphics card.
4. Graphics dot-matrix printer.
5. DOS 2.0 or greater.
1. Insert MS/PC DOS diskette in drive A.
2. Turn on the PC.
3. Enter date and time.
4. Remove the DOS disk and insert the CHARTS UNLIMITED
5. At the A prompt,
type CU and press [Enter].
If you have a Hercules graphics adapter
type CU HERC and press [Enter].
6. A copyright notice appears on the screen.
Press any key to go to CHARTS UNLIMITED worksheet.
7. Access the PRINT command to configure the CHARTS UNLIMITED
disk for your printer. See the instructions on the PRINT
command and CONFIGURE sub-command in this manual.
NOTE: If you have a hard disk, you can copy all the CHARTS
UNLIMITED files from the program diskette to the hard disk
and run the program from the hard disk.
The CHARTS UNLIMITED diskette must be in drive A whenever you
configure the disk for a printer or print a chart. However,
if you copy the CHARTS UNLIMITED files to a hard drive, you
will not need the CHARTS UNLIMITED diskette in drive A.
Selecting Commands and Sub-commands
The first line lists the primary commands available in CHARTS
UNLIMITED. There are two means of selecting a command.
1) Use the left and right arrow keys to move the cursor to
highlight the desired command and then press [RETURN].
2) Type the first letter of the command to be chosen
Notice: when a command is highlighted, its sub-command
is displayed on line two. Most sub-commands are accessed in
the same manner as the commands, by pressing [RETURN] when
highlighted or by typing its first letter (LINE=L). When a
sub-command is in brackets, such as [Del], the actual key is
pressed; in this example, the delete key. A description of
the sub-command is displayed on the next line when the sub-
command is highlighted; directions are displayed when the
sub-command is actually selected.
A HELP screen is available for each of the commands and sub-
commands by pressing the function key [F1] while that command
or sub-command is highlighted.
NOTE: To go back to the sub-command line from the worksheet,
press [Esc]. To go back to the command line from the sub-
command line, press [Esc] again.
Following are the primary commands (highlighted) and their
respective sub-commands.
[Ins], [Del], GRID
The WORKSHEET command contains sub-commands for drawing
lines, setting up the worksheet display envirnoment and
changing and editing information in your chart.
The graphic worksheet consists of a numbered grid that is 256
columns wide up to 1000 rows long, depending on how much
memory is in your computer. There are horizontal and
vertical pointer arrows on the columns and rows that pinpoint
the location of the cursor.
The screen is a window into a large worksheet, but the entire
worksheet can be seen, portions at a time, by scrolling the
worksheet area or using the VIEW sub-command.
[RET] Pressing the [RETURN] key enables the cursor to move
up, down, left and right in any specified number of
increments on the worksheet. Press the [F1] key to
see the list of cursor direction keys.
To increase the number of spaces moved with each
keystroke from one to X number of spaces, press the
[+] key (cursor increment key) on the numeric keypad
Then enter the new increment. Each time one of the
arrow keys on the numeric keypad is pressed, the
number of spaces will be increased X times. The
cursor increment key can be used whenever the cursor
is on the worksheet.
(L) Draw solid LINES in eight directions. The cursor
increment key increases the length of lines drawn with
each keystroke. Press the[F1] key for a list of the
cursor direction keys.
NOTE: Solid lines can only be drawn through other
lines, not through objects, symbols or text.
Line Length Key :To increase the line length drawn
with each keystroke from 1 to 255 spaces, press the
[+] key (same as the cursor increment key) on the
numeric keypad. Type in a number X (between 1 and
255) and press [Return]. Now, each time you press the
cursor direction keys on the numeric keypad, the line
will be drawn a distance of X spaces. The distance
will remain the same until you change it or until the
system is turned off, in which case it defaults to 1
again. The line increment key can be used whenever the
cursor is on the worksheet.
NOTE: A diagonal line will not connect with two
straight lines that intersect. Also, a straight line
will not connect with intersecting diagonal lines. The
illustration below gives two examples of lines that
will not intersect.
(D) Use this command to draw DASH lines in eight
directions. The cursor increment key increases the
number of dash lines drawn with each keystroke.
Press the [F1] key for a list of the cursor direction
(C) Use this command to CLEAR the entire worksheet.
(E) Use this command to ERASE single characters wherever
the cursor is moved. The cursor increment key
increases the number of spaces erased with each
keystroke. Press the [F1] key for a list of the
cursor direction keys.
(B) This command is used to erases any defined rectangular
area on the worksheet. Move the curosr to the upper-
left hand corner of the area you want to erase and
then press [Return]. Now, move to the lower-right hand
corner. This defines the area you want to erase.
Press [Return] again and the area will be erased.
(M) This command is use to MOVE any defined rectangular
area of the current worksheet from one location to
another on the same worksheet.
(R) Use this command to copy or REPLICATE an area of the
worksheet. To REPLICATE an area is to first copy it,
move that copy to another section of the worksheet
and, at the same time, leave the original area
unchanged. Then the area can be replicated multiple
times in any of eight directions. A replicated area
replaces the information under it.
(W) Use the WINDOW command to divide the screen
horizontally or vertically, and keep the top (with
horizontal) or left (with vertical) stationary while
the other section performs like the normal worksheet.
(V) The VIEW command is used to display, in inverse video,
256 columns and 170 rows of the worksheet in condensed
form on the right side of the screen, but allows work
to be continued on the main worksheet. The blinking
dot in VIEW marks the location of the cursor on the
main worksheet and the dotted rectangular outline
shows the area of the main worksheet that is currently
displayed on the screen.
[Ins] Press the [Ins] key to INSERT blank rows and/or
columns of specified length and width. Inserting blank
rows causes the section of chart directly below the
insertion to move down the same number of rows that
are highlighted. Inserting blank columns causes the
portion of chart at the right of the insertion to move
right the same number of columns that were
[Del] Press the [Del] key to delete rows and/or columns of
specified length and width. Deleting rows causes the
section of chart directly below the deletion to move
up the same number of rows that were deleted.
Deleting columns causes the section of chart at the
right of the deletion to move left the same number of
columns that were deleted.
(G) Use the command to GRID toggles the worksheet grid
size back and forth between an 87 column and 43 column
screen display.
The TEXT Command
TEXT can be entered anywhere on the worksheet in standard
text and bold upper-case text by turning the keyboard into a
typewriter. [Ins] and [Del] are valuable text-editing keys
for inserting and deleting text. You can also use the
backspace key to deletes the text character to its left.
The numeric keypad cannot be used for numeric data, since the
cursor direction keys are used to move the cursor to any
location on the worksheet.
When entering text, you cannot type over lines, symbols or
object; first erase the necessary area. A beep will sound if
you try to type over anything other than text characters or
blank spaces.
When finished with the current TEXT sub-command, press the
[RETURN] key to go back to the sub-command line.
[RET] Select this option for standard text.
(B) Select this option for BOLD text. Only upper-case
text is supported for the BOLD option.
(F) Use FIND to search for a word or a string of text.
FIND searches to the right and down from the cursor,
so move the cursor to the top left corner of where the
search is to begin before using this sub-command.
The FILES Command
With the FILES sub-commands you can load previously created
charts, save your charts, load text files from other program
applications and change the directory.
(L) Use the LAOD command to load a chart from disk into
the worksheet.Charts can be LOADed onto the worksheet
in two ways: overlay or screen. To overlay a chart is
to load one chart over another, thus blocking out
whatever is under the top chart. Loading a chart by
the screen method allows the bottom chart to show
through the blank spaces of the top chart.
(S) Use SAVE to save the entire worksheet area to a disk.
The file name must begin with a letter or number and
can be up to eight characters long.
(P) Use the PART command to save any rectangular part of
the chart, by defining the area. The file name must
begin with a letter or number and can be up to eight
characters long.
(T) Use the TEXT command to load a text file that has been
created using a word processor, spreadsheet program,
text editor or database program.
Each line of the text file must end with a carriage
return (CR) and line feed (LF). Most application
software provides a utility program or function that
will output a document as a text file. Lotus 1-2-3
calls this a print file and adds the suffix ".PRN" to
the file name you give.
Both the prefix and suffix must be entered when
identifying the file to be loaded. For example,
NAME.TXT refers to the text file NAME. CHARTS
UNLIMITED charts cannot be saved as a text file.
Text files can be loaded like chart files by using the
overlay or screen method.
(Dir) The DIRECTORY command changes to another directory
and/or disk drive to load and/or save charts and load
text files.
For example, if the directory name that contains your
charts is named GRAPHS, enter \GRAPHS\. The program
will then use the GRAPHS directory.
To change from drive A to drive B, type B:. This
allows the program to save your charts on the disk in
drive B or load charts from the disk in drive B.
The OBJECTS Command
There are thirty-six standard objects available, ranging from
squares with different line densities to triangles, template
symbols, math symbols, parentheses and patterned horizontal
and vertical bars.
Standard objects can be combined with lines (or any of the
other sub-commands) to make a more custom object and then
saved as your own alternate object. The alternate objects
can be temporarily stored in the computer's memory or
permanently saved onto disk for later use.
[RET] Use this command to select one of the thirty-six
STANDARD OBJECTS that are available. Press the
corresponding letter (A-Z) or number (0-9) and the
object is displayed on the worksheet at the cursor
location. Or press [RETURN] for the OBJECTS menu.
Move the object to desired location with the cursor
direction keys and press [RETURN]. The arrow keys on
the numeric keypad are now used to change the size of
the object: [2] increases length, [4] decreases width,
[6] increases width and [8] decreases length.
(Notice that the arrows point out the direction of the
increase or decrease.)
Press [RETURN] to save the object on the worksheet.
The increment by which the arrow keys change the
object defaults to whatever the cursor increment was
when OBJECTS was accessed. Any changes to the cursor
increment key must be made before changing the
object's size.
(A) Choose this command to select an ALTERNATE object
that was previously defined by the user with the aid
of the DEFINE sub-command. To display the object,
first LOAD the alternate objects set (file) into the
computer's memory. Then press the key used to define
that object. A single file can contain 256 alternate
objects. Once an alternate object is defined, its
size is fixed.
(D) Use the DEFINED command to define an alternate object
First outline the object on the worksheet to be used
to define an alternate object. Key in a single
keystroke to identify the object. The key can be any
single letter, number, special character or a
combination of [Ctrl] or [Shift] and one of the
previously mentioned keys. The function keys [F1]
through [F10] cannot be used to DEFINE an alternate
(S) Use the SAVE command to save on disk the set of
alternate objects currently in the computer's memory.
The file name must begin with a letter or number and
can be up to eight characters long. The program adds
the suffix OBJ to the file name of the objects that
are stored on the data disk. SAVE is necessary only
if changes or additions were made to the set.
To have one particular alternate object file loaded
when CHARTS UNLIMITED is loaded, save the file with
the name USER. While loading, CHARTS UNLIMITED looks
for a file named USER.OBJ and automatically loads it
into memory. At any time, another alternate object
file can be loaded to replace the current one in
(L) The LOAD command is used to load a set of alternate
objects from a data disk into the computer's memory.
Simply type in the file name of the alternate object
you want to load into memory an use.
The SYMBOLS Command
The SYMBOLS command contains thirty-six standard symbols,
including such special symbols as direction arrows for flow
charts and some math symbols.
The standard set of symbols is loaded automatically with
CHARTS UNLIMITED. However, it is possible to create your
own sets of symbols and have one of those sets loaded with
the program.
[RET] Press the [RETURN] key to select a symbol for use in
your chart.. Press the corresponding letter (A-Z) or
number (0-9) and the symbol appears on the worksheet
Press [RETURN] to display the SYMBOLS menu.
(C) Use the CREATE command to change any one of the
thirty-six symbols. A symbol is consist of a 7 X 7
matrix with pixels (dots) that can be turned on or
off to create the pattern of the new symbol.
(S) SAVE the current set of symbols. The file name must
begin with a letter or number and can be up to eight
characters long. The program automatically adds the
suffix .SYM to the file name of the symbols that are
stored on the data disk.
To have a particular symbols file loaded when CHARTS
UNLIMITED is loaded, save the file under the name
USER. While loading, CHARTS UNLIMITED looks for a
file named USER.SYM and loads it into memory.
To protect the original symbols file against being
erased, there are two identical symbols files on the
CHARTS UNLIMITED master disk. One file is named
CU.SYM and the other is USER.SYM. Before any new
symbols files are created, the original USER.SYM
will be loaded. But when a new USER.SYM file is
saved, the original is copied over and erased. So,
to load the original file back into memory, simply
load the file named CU.SYM by entering both prefix
and suffix.
(L) Use the LOAD command to load into memory a set of
symbols from a data disk. Only the current set of
symbols in the computer's memory is available for
use on the worksheet.
The PRINT Command
The print options allow the program to print ALL or only PART
of a chart vertically or horizontally and to MAGNIFY the
chart up to 100 times in both direction. You can CONFIGURE
the program to print on many of the major dot matrix
printers. Also, while the printer is printing the chart, you
can continue working in CHARTS UNLIMITED. You can STOP the
printing at any time.
Before trying to print your chart, read the instructions that
follow for each PRINT sub-command.
(G) The GO command is used to start the printing of the
worksheet. Before printing, first select the ALL or
PART sub-command to indicate whether all of the
worksheet is to be printed or only a portion of it.
(A) Use the ALL to print all of the worksheet. Printing
will begin when the GO sub-command is selected.
(P) Use the PART command to print only a part of the
worksheet. Any rectangular area of the worksheet
can be defined for printing without printing the
entire chart or worksheet. Printing will begin when
the GO sub-command is selected.
(M) This command is used to set the vertical and
horizontal MAGNIFICATION. The chart can be
magnified vertically and/or horizontally up to 100
times during printing. The magnification will not
affect the appearance of the chart on the screen.
(C) Use the CONFIGURE command to select a printer from the
available printers on the screen display. Once
selected, the printer configuration does not have to
be changed until a different printer is used.
CHARTS UNLIMITED always uses printer port LPT1.
(S) Use the STOP command to stop whatever is being
printed. To start printing from the beginning again,
select the GO sub-command.
The QUIT Command
(Q) Use the QUIT command to quit CHARTS UNLIMITED and
return to DOS. Be sure to save all charts, alternate
objects files, symbols files and any other changes
before exiting the program.
The Addendum to this manual is stored as a chart and can be
printed by loading the chart into Charts Unlimited and then printing
the chart. You will want to print this chart to learn how to use
some of the new features.